Finally, a powerful audit tool for both your professional fee and acute reviews.

Meet Atom Audit

Your New Medical Coding Audit Platform

Atom Audit allows auditors to perform comprehensive medical coding reviews and run customize reports. 


Benefits of Using a Medical Coding Tool

Organizations can significantly improve their operations using Atom Audit. This tool boosts transparency and efficiency by providing real-time tracking and improving coding accuracy, which helps reduce billing errors. This accuracy is key in optimizing reimbursements and lowering compliance risks. Atom Audit's customized reports deliver insights, spot trends, and pinpoint areas for improvement, making the audit process more efficient for enhanced financial results and better adherence to regulations. 

Financial Impact

Optimize revenue, reduce risk of undercoding and overcoding, streamline revenue cycle, and lower costs associated with appeals and denials

Enhanced Accuracy

Ensure precise coding that reflects the patient's clinical condition, treatment complexity, and the level of care provided

Audit Integrity

Proactively identify and rectify coding discrepancies and promote thorough documentation of patient encounters to support coding recommendations

Compliance Assurance

Minimize the risk of non-compliance and promote ethical coding practices while fostering a culture of compliance within the organization

Streamlined Workflow

Identify issues early, reduce denials, eliminate bottlenecks, and allow coders to focus on accurately coding complex cases

Clear Communication

Clarify documentation, ensure accurate coding practices, and foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration with our Coder Response Workflow

Powerful insights at your fingertips.

Atom Audit reports include:

  • Individual record worksheets
  • Reimbursement Impacts
  • Detailed Coding Level Accuracy Rates
Atom Audit Reports deliverables

 Four Comprehensive Solutions

Atom Audit supports Inpatient, Outpatient, Professional Fee, and Ambulatory Surgery all for one annual per auditor fee.

Each module includes features for full coding validation and reporting.



  • Checkmark DRG
  • Checkmark PSI and QMs
  • Checkmark Reimbursement Impact
  • Checkmark ICD-10 CM & POAs
  • Checkmark ICD-10 PCS
  • Checkmark Point of Origin
  • Checkmark Patient Status



  • Checkmark APC
  • Checkmark Multiple Patient Types
  • Checkmark Reimbursement Impact
  • Checkmark ICD-10 CM
  • Checkmark ICD-10 PCS (Optional)
  • Checkmark CPT
  • Checkmark EM


Professional Fee

  • Checkmark 1995 / 1997 and 2023 EM Leveling Tool
  • Checkmark Physician Fee Schedules
  • Checkmark ICD-10 CM
  • Checkmark CPT
  • Checkmark EM
  • Checkmark Modifiers


Ambulatory Surgery

  • Checkmark CPT
  • Checkmark Multiple Patient Types
  • Checkmark Reimbursement Impact
  • Checkmark ICD-10 CM
  • Checkmark Modifiers


HIA, celebrating their 30th year as a leading provider of quality coding audits and coding support services, is proud to announce Atom Audit, its new proprietary medical coding audit and data analytics platform.

“Those in the HIM field know when you get that Friday afternoon call from administration saying you failed a quality measure, you often hear that it was a coding issue. If I had Atom Audit back then, I would have had all the relevant data at my fingertips to prepare an informed response."

“Our team is excited to continue building cloud-based software that streamlines Inpatient, Outpatient. Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Professional Fee auditing."

"Our success lies in providing tools to our staff that allow them to be as efficient and effective as possible. We are excited to bring this capability to our clients and will continue to provide the most innovative and forward-thinking audit platform on the market."


Need clarification?

How much does Atom Audit cost?

One user costs less than $15/day for our Essentials Package, which gives you access to our Inpatient, Outpatient, Professional Fee and Ambulatory Surgery modules.

How does a coding audit platform improve collaboration amongst HIM departments?

A coding audit platform that includes a rebuttal workflow keeps audits collaborative by allowing your coders to engage in the conversation.

What is the onboarding process?

Getting started is easy and requires minimal support from your IT organization. Our team will guide you through the onboarding process and ensure a successful implementation.

How many auditors can use Atom Audit?

Unlimited. Atom can support an unlimited number of auditors.

One tool to manage your entire audit process.

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